
這幾天領了錢終於可以買日思夜想的 [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1)了~~

上網查了 [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 相關的評價,推薦,開箱文,價格,報價,比較,規格,推薦!

經過多方比較後,發現[美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1)居然曾造成搶購熱潮,實在是居家必備好物

用網購的方式買[美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1),價格也很實在,重點是買的安心,到貨的速度還滿快的,









Protective, fun and functional case custom-designed for the 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Also fits iPad Air 2 and iPad Air 1)

With flexible, foam construction, the lightweight iGuys are the perfect 9.7-inch iPad Pro or iPad Air accessories for families with young children

For cartoon hour, the iGuy stands at attention-while it holds your 9.7-inch iPad Pro or iPad Air 2 or 1-offering a convenient viewing angle for short people.

The iGuy's little arms and soft foam make it easy-and even fun-to hold.

Available in a variety of colors

Meet iGuy - the freestanding foam case for 9.7-inch iPad Pro, iPad Air 2 or iPad Air 1 with tons of personality! Every bit protective as he is a blast to use, iGuy is the perfect accessory for 9.7-inch iPad Pro or iPad Air for kids and grownups alike. He's lightweight, easy to hold, and he can stand on his own two feet, even while holding up your 9.7-inch iPad Pro or iPad Air 2 or 1. He may look like he's all about fun, but his soft, squishy body disguises tough EVA foam protection. iGuy iPad Pro or iPad Air covers will help you feel more secure as you hand your 9.7-inch iPad Pro or iPad Air over to your baby or small child!




Brand Name


Item model number


Item Weight

12.6 ounces

Product Dimensions

10.9 x 0.9 x 7.1 inches

Item Dimensions L x W x H

10.88 x 0.88 x 7.13 inches


Chili pepper red



Shipping Weight

1 pounds




[美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時











涉嫌殺害金正男的印尼女嫌席蒂艾莎(Siti Aisyah)周六(25日)與印尼官員會面,她稱接受了400馬幣大約美金90元左右(約新台幣3000元)的酬勞參加電視的惡作劇節目,並不知道這是起暗殺事件。

綜合外電報導,席蒂艾莎首度接見印尼的特使,告訴他們案發的經過,印尼駐馬副大使亞諾(Andreano Erwin)在與涉案人會面後受訪表示,涉案女嫌不知道她所接觸的物品是毒劑,她以為是像嬰兒油一樣的東西。席蒂艾莎也告訴印尼當局,聘請她參與「節目」的人,看起來像日本或韓國人,他們也為此付給艾莎大約90美元的酬勞。

馬國警方周五(24日)聲明則說,據化學測試結果,金正男的眼部黏膜及臉部都驗出 VX神經毒劑,這是聯合國歸類為巨大規模殺傷性的化學武器,也在國際間禁用,僅十毫克就能致死。

目前馬來西亞警方已經逮捕包含席蒂艾莎在內的四名嫌犯,認為席蒂艾莎及越南籍女嫌段氏香(Doan Thi Huong)是受到另外四名在逃的北韓嫌犯指使,官方目前正尋求國際刑警組織協助,北韓當局則堅持否認涉案。警方也希望傳喚北韓駐馬大使館二等秘書玄光成(Hyon Kwang Song)、北韓國營高麗航空公司(Air Koryo)職員金旭日(Kim UK II,音譯)到案說明。

[美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 推薦, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 討論, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 部落客, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 比較評比, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 使用評比, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 開箱文, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1)?推薦, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 評測文, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) CP值, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 評鑑大隊, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 部落客推薦, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 好用嗎?, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 去哪買?


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